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CREATED 11/8/2010


WARNING: This site deals only with the corporate corruption of science, and makes no inference about the motives or activities of individuals involved.
    There are many reasons why individuals become embroiled in corporate corruption activities - from political zealotry to over-enthusiastic activism; from gullibility to greed.
    Please read the OVERVIEW carefully, and make up your own mind.






Ivor H Shalofsky    

— Philip Morris marketing and product development executive. —  

Some key documents

• Swiss-based staff member for Philip Morris EEMA, and member of ICOSI Medical/Behavioral Working Party. He is essentially a marketing and product development executive, who only temporarily became embroiled in the tobacco industry's smoking & health campaigns.

1974 /E: Director of Market Research with the Swiss tobacco-flavour firm, Firmenich, SA, in Geneva.

1975 May: Reported as being with Philip Morris International in a report by FTR in Switzerland. He is in charge of consumer research.

1977 Dec 7: ICOSI Risk/Nuisance Study in Switzerland. Gaisch has sent this note on how to set up a study to return exactly the results you want, to H Schedel and Ivan Shalofsky as part of the Medical/Behavioural Working Party. Essentially it says:

  • I will find an agency willing to carry out such a study with the Swiss population
  • First we sample one group asking "What activities do you enjoy doing?"
  • Secondly we sample another group asking "What activities of others annoy you or present a risk to yourself?"
  • Thirdly, this second group is asked to pick from the first replies, the one they most object to.

[Inevitably, this would show that smokers are more tolerant than non-smokers]

1979 Oct 3: Shalofsky is disputing the conclusions of R Corner about the value of ICOSI's METRA study: [English improved]

I don't think that we could get much mileage from the study, other than to say "It has not been proven that advertising increases the consumption of cigarettes".

    Insofar as Metra made a serious attempt to establish a correlation between advertising and consumption — using, if not perfect data, at least the best data available — and [it still] came up with no statistically significant result ... the claim in quotes above is about the most we can say.

    It may not, of course, be what we would like to say.

    It does smack of the same argument - ie, "it has been proven that..." [which] we normally use in the general smoking and health arena. But I really do not see how the study's findings could allow us to claim more.

    Perhaps the most helpful point we can make is, that a study was done, [and] it was done seriously and (essentially) independently .. and [yet it] was unable to prove the thesis of the anti-smoking lobby.

1980 Feb 15: Hamish Maxwell has made changes to Philip Morris International staffing.

Mr. Ivor Shalofsky to [become] Assistant to the Director, Market Research, Philip Morris USA reporting to Mr. Jon Zoler, Director, Market Research.

    Mr. Shalofsky was formerly Manager, Market Research and New Product Coordination, Philip Morris Europe/Middle East/Africa.

    Mr. Shalofsky has relocated to New York.

1980 Mar: From this point on Shalofsky appears to have specialised in the market testing of cigarettes. He doesn't appear to have pursued a career as an industry disinformation specialist.

1982 Jan: /E [First page missing] A report of the INFOTAB Advisory Group (AG) says.

11 Nation Study.
The proposed project team leader from PMI Europe, Ivor Shalofsky, will be a member but cannot lead the project. The same is true for Paul Bingham of BAT.

    In the absence of a project team leader, and having rejected the idea that the TAC [UK's Tobacco Advisory Council] be asked to lead it as a way of enlisting the services of Don Neegham (Gallaher), it was agreed that member companies would identify qualified people who could meet under the auspices of the SG [Secretary-General Hartogh] until a team leader is identified.

    RJR indicated it would participate. It was decided that the group of company representatives would meet as soon as practicable with the research firm, probably in London, to determine the scope of the project and timing. AG members will brief their representatives.


CONTRIBUTORS:jrtm qdr2 rwm2

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